Requesting a refund
If you have credit on your service charge or major works service account you may request a refund.
Please note that any other outstanding charges will be deducted from your refund amount.
If you have overpaid there is an administration charge of £17.50 to process your refund.
It can take up to three weeks from the date we receive a completed refund request form to issue your refund.
In order to combat fraud and protect leaseholders, Westminster Council insists on the bank account being used to refund any monies, being verified. Please attach a current copy of your bank statement (dated within the last 3 months) which clearly shows your account number and sort code.
You can return the refund request form by email to or by post to Leasehold Operations, 137 Lupus Street, London, SW1V 3HE.
Please note that we cannot process a refund without this information.