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Guide to Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support

Find detailed information about Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support including who is eligible to apply for it.

The amount of benefit you may receive

Benefit amount

The amount of benefit you receive depends on your rent, income and whether you have other people living in your house, and when your claim is made.

Find out more information on Local Housing Allowance or read the current Local Housing Allowance rates.

Use our online benefits calculator to see if you are entitled to benefits.

Valuation Office Agency

The VOA is an executive agency of HM Revenue & Customs. It provides valuations for local authorities in England, for use in the assessment of claims for Housing Benefit where the tenant is renting from a private landlord. The VOA also sets the Local Housing Allowance.

The Local Housing Allowance rate will be decided by the following:

  • where you live
  • the age and number of people living with you

The rate of Local Housing Allowance set in the month you claim will apply to your claim for 12 months unless there is a change in the number of people living with you or you move house.

Current Local Housing Allowance rates

Published: 8 December 2020

Last updated: 4 February 2021