Redress information
If the applicant disagrees with any conditions, they may appeal under paragraph 27, schedule 3 of the 1982 Act to the City of Westminster Magistrate Court within 21 days from the formal decision being issued.
If an application is refused under paragraph 12(1), schedule 3 of the 1982 Act, the applicant doesn't have the right to appeal under paragraph 27 unless they prove the refusal doesn't apply to them.
The address for the City of Westminster Magistrates' Court is: 70 Horseferry Road, London SW1P 2AX.
If the application is refused under paragraph 12(3(c) or (d) of schedule 3 of the 1982 Act, the applicant doesn't have the right to appeal under paragraph 27.
If there are no grounds for appeal under paragraph 27, schedule 3 of the 1982 Act, the applicant can apply to judicially review the decision.
Applicants should seek legal advice regarding their appeal rights if they feel aggrieved by the application decision.
Local residents and businesses
Local residents and business can object to new, renewal or variation applications. Objections relating to an application must be submitted to the council in writing within 28 days from the date a valid application is received.