How we can help
We provide free information and advice to anyone who is homeless or threatened with homelessness, through the Homeless Prevention Service. This includes advice on:
- preventing homelessness
- how to secure accommodation when homeless
- the rights of people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness and the duties of the local authority
- the help available to people who are threatened with homelessness
- how to access the help that is available
We also provide specialist information and advice for specific vulnerable groups who may find themselves threatened with homelessness or without accommodation. This includes:
- care leavers
- people leaving hospital (PDF, 137KB)
- people leaving prison (PDF, 212KB)
- people leaving the armed forces (PDF, 124KB)
- people who are experiencing domestic abuse (PDF, 243KB)
- people with mental health issues
- advocacy and advice services issues
- adult social care
If you think you might become homeless, you must get in touch with us at the earliest opportunity.