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Energy saving advice and support

Advice and support to help make your home more energy-efficient and reduce your energy bills.

Advice for everyone

Energy Saving Trust

Get trusted and independent advice on how to save money on your bills at the same time as reducing your carbon footprint. Visit the Energy Saving Trust website for tips on reducing your energy use, installing energy saving home improvements and renewable energy systems, grants and financial support, and more.

National Energy Action

Get free guides and resources available to householders on bills, home improvements and income maximisation.

Find out more on the National Energy Action's multi-lingual energy advice leaflets.


Ofgem provide actions and tips to reduce energy use and save money including:

  • one-off quick fix actions you can take immediately to save energy
  • low effort, no-cost actions you can take every day
  • small home improvements costing £10 to £50

Check out other pages on the Ofgem website to understand your rights as an energy consumer.

Westminster Home Energy Advice Service

Struggling with energy bills? Want help to save energy? Request a free home visit from an independent ‘Green Doctor’ energy advisor.

During the home visit, the energy advisor will:

  • review your energy bills, property and circumstances
  • provide support with energy-related debts including applying for grants
  • fit energy saving devices such as energy-efficient lightbulbs and radiator panels
  • give energy saving tips and advice to control heating and cooling settings
  • give guidance on home retrofit schemes you may be eligible for

Request a free home visit

Citizens Advice Westminster

Citizens Advice Westminster can provide tips to help you check, switch and save on your energy bills, advice on how to resolve issues with your energy supplier, and support applying for energy grants, if eligible. They offer support via Face-to-Face Advice Shop sessions, Zoom drop-in sessions and via web chat.

Visit their website or call 0808 278 7834.

Seasonal Health Intervention Network (SHINE)

The Seasonal Health Intervention Network (SHINE) is a free fuel poverty energy advice service and referral network for Londoners. SHINE London offers a dedicated freephone helpline to provide guidance on reducing energy bills, liaise with energy suppliers regarding utility debt and complex billing, applying for water discounts, support with energy efficiency grant applications and sign posting to other public health interventions.

To speak to a member of the SHINE team, call 0800 953 1221 for support. Lines are open 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday. Alternatively, text 07800 006 143.

Help to pay your energy bills

There are several support schemes that provide funding to help you pay your bills:

  • Winter Fuel Payment, a £250 to £600 fuel payment for people born before 25 September 1957. Most people get the payment automatically if they’re eligible.
  • Cold Weather Payment, a £25 payment for every 7 days of very cold weather between November and March, for those getting certain benefits or Support for Mortgage Interest. If you’re eligible, you’ll get these payments automatically. You do not need to apply.
  • Warm Home Discount, a £140 discount for some people getting Pension Credit or some people in low-income households. Your electricity supplier will apply the discount to your bill automatically if you’re eligible.

Visit our Cost of Living Support Hub for more help with the rising cost of living including advice on managing energy debts.

Smart energy meters

A smart gas and electricity meter can help you take control of your home energy use. Smart meters come with an in-home display which shows how much energy is being used in near real time. You can see what you're spending in pounds and pence, which can help you to better understand and reduce your energy use.

Energy suppliers are installing smart meters in homes across the country at no extra cost, to replace traditional meters. Contact your energy supplier to get a smart meter installed in your home.

  • If you're a council tenant, not all of our homes are suitable for smart energy meters.
  • If you're a private renter, check your tenancy agreement as you may need your landlords permission to change the metering in the property, but they should not unreasonably prevent it. 
  • If you're a landlord, Ofgem recommend that tenants tell landlords before getting a smart meter installed, but that you should not unreasonably prevent installation.

Home Improvement Agency

The Westminster Home Improvement Agency supports vulnerable residents to maintain independence and live comfortably and safely in their own homes, providing advice and assistance with repairs, improvements and adaptations around the home and applying for financial grant aid for works on your behalf.

Handyperson Service

Westminster residents aged over 60, or in receipt of disability benefit, can request free help from a handyperson. The service covers minor works to your home, such as replacing light bulbs, and other DIY jobs.

Find further information about the Handyperson service.

Published: 24 February 2023

Last updated: 20 June 2024