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Take environmental action as a resident

Find out all the ways you can take action as a resident to help Westminster reach net zero by 2040.

Energy saving advice and support

Advice and support to help make your home more energy-efficient and reduce your energy bills.

Reduce your waste

Ideas to help you cut down the amount of waste you produce, and ways you can increase how much you recycle.

Library of Things

Pimlico Library is home to a Library of Things, where you can rent everything from carpet cleaners, to drills and more.

Eat sustainably

Changing your diet, the way you shop for food, and how you dispose of food waste is a powerful way to take environmental action.

How you travel

Find out ways to reduce your carbon emissions by making some small changes to how you travel.

Dress sustainably

Your clothes can impact your climate footprint, find out about how your clothes could be more sustainable.

Green your personal finances

Where you choose to bank can impact the climate emergency, find out how to make a difference by making some small changes.

Action on nature, ecology, and biodiversity

Information about green spaces, community food growing and funding available for local biodiversity projects.

Funding opportunities

Find out more about different funds available to help your organisation take action to support the climate.