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School Streets

The Fairer Westminster Delivery Plan recognises the importance of sustainable and active modes of transport for residents, workers and visitors. One of which, is to increase opportunities and use of active travel and open spaces.

Throughout 2022 Westminster trialled several ‘School Streets’ at a number of schools in Westminster. The programme aimed to create safer spaces around schools during school drop-off and collection times, to encourage pupils to walk, cycle and scooter on school journeys.

Formal confirmation of the trial programme ending saw 11 School Street sites made permanent as of 1 May 2023.

Please refer to the Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality’s School Streets decision for more information.

What is a School Street?

A School Street is a special Pedestrian and Cycle Zone (PCZ) which is created outside a school’s main entrance during term-time. They operate in the morning and afternoon during school drop-off and collection times, Monday to Friday. Signage on the roads informs drivers of the times of operation at the entrances to the zone.

Vehicle movements are reduced during the operating times so that school children, their parents, carers and other visitors will have more space to walk, cycle or scoot.

The School Street trial aims to:

  • improve air quality by limiting the pollution from motor vehicles in the area
  • create a safer and more pleasant environment by limiting the potential dangers caused by motor vehicles
  • encourage more active travel, such as walking, cycling and scootering

School Street locations

School Street locations are listed below.

CCTV School Streets

Non-CCTV School Streets


Residents who live on a School Street with CCTV camera enforcement installed and whose cars are registered to that address will be on an exemption list.

This means they can drive in and out of the School Street during times of operation.

The following are also automatically exempt:

  • Emergency services vehicles

Anyone who is not on the exemption list and is caught on CCTV driving through a School Street during times of operation will receive a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) of up to £130.

If you are a Disabled Badge holder, and you have access requirements to a School Street while restrictions are in force (for example, attending hospital and doctor appointments, accessing support services, etc.), you can submit a request to be added to the exemption list. Your request should include the following information:

  • your name, address and contact details
  • serial number of your Blue Badge or White Badge
  • reason for requiring access

Once we review your request, we will notify you of our decision.

Please note that submitting a request does not guarantee that you will be added to the exemption list.

For all parking exemption requests and PCN-related queries, please contact Parking Services directly via or call 020 7641 2000.


All School Streets will have traffic and pedestrian volumes monitored periodically, and enforcement at non-CCTV Schools may be applied.

Frequently asked questions

Find answers to some of the most asked questions about our School Streets programme.

For any additional questions, please email