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Keep your noise down

Complete silence in a city is unrealistic, but there are simple ways to avoid disturbing those around you.


Leaving animals on their own is sometimes inevitable, but it means they can get lonely and cause a nuisance to neighbours. 

What can you do? 

Avoid leaving your pets alone for too long and make sure there are plenty of toys to keep them occupied during the day - or arrange for a dogsitter. 

Check out some of the advice for what you can do - DEFRA have a useful leaflet, and the Dog's Trust and RSPCA also have information. 

What will we do? 

The Noise Team will try to work with the animal’s owner in taking measures that will lessen the nuisance before taking formal action. 

We also have an animal warden service which deals with stray dogs, dog fouling and other nuisances.

Keep your noise down - Animals
Keep your noise down - Animals PDF, 89.27 KB, 1 page

Published: 29 January 2021

Last updated: 27 July 2021