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About your property

Information for Leaseholders regarding heating and hot water, pest infestation, buildings insurance and subletting your home.

Heating and hot water

If your property is connected to a communal or district heating system, we will include the cost of heating and hot water in your service charges.

Heating and hot water charges are pooled across properties supplied by the communal system and residents are charged a proportion based on the number of habitable rooms in their property.

If the cost of heating and hot water is not on your service charge bill, you need to ensure you make payments directly to your utility company.

Individual and block meters

We started to install heating and hot water meters to our properties and estates after the government brought in new rules for communal heating suppliers in December 2014. 

The new regulations aim to promote energy efficiency by ensuring providers give their customers more detail about how much energy they are using. 

Where possible, individual meters have been installed in properties to measure exactly how much heating and hot water is used by an individual flat. Where it is currently not feasible or cost effective to install an individual meter, we have ensured a block meter is in place which measures how much heating and hot water is used by the block. 

We are continuing to install more individual meters where possible as part of planned major works upgrades.


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HIU user guide PDF, 333.24 KB, 4 pages

Published: 8 January 2021

Last updated: 7 April 2024