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Providers Network - working together to improve employment provision for Westminster residents.

The Employment and Skills Provider Network brings together Westminster Employment Service colleagues with the DWP and a variety of employment, education and skills providers within the borough.

Its purpose is to:

  • facilitate and encourage partnership working between organisations, to deliver our inclusive vision of a Fairer Westminster
  • champion and highlight the great work that is being carried out by organisations who are supporting Westminster residents
  • identify ways in which the Westminster Employment Service can work with organisations to produce positive outcomes for residents.

Scroll down to find out more about the network and how you can become a part of it.

Westminster Employment Service team at recruitment event

The network meets quarterly in person to explore a theme voted for by its members.

During these meetings, members have the opportunity to network, jointly tackle economic issues, share best practice and develop new ways of working together to improve the employment and skills landscape.

The Employment and Skills Provider Network steering group, meet to discuss and plan network meetings and activities, if you would like to get involved, please get in touch

Female business owner standing in front of her product

We also send out a regular newsletters capturing upcoming events, information on the newest members and good news stories.

If you would like to find out more, please get in touch with our team at

Contact WES Employment and Skills Provider Network

Please get in touch with our team if you have any questions or would like to get involved in the Network.
