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For employers - WES Jobs and Training

WES offers free local training and recruitment service that supports employers to source talented Westminster based candidates.

Scroll down to find out more about how you can become an employer partner and how we can support your business throughout the process.

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WES Jobs and Training acts as the employer facing division of Westminster Employment Service.

We build relationships with employers who are committed to investing in Westminster and its residents, supporting them to engage and recruit a local, well-trained workforce that meets their operational needs.

We highlight the barriers that residents face and negotiate ways to improve access and bring down barriers to accessing employment opportunities with employers. We ensure candidates are job ready and have the desired skills employers are looking for by creating sector specific courses in partnership with our employers.

Young people having a meeting with two of them shaking hands across the desk

When you work with WES Jobs and Training, you:

  • work with a specialist broker who understands your sector and business needs
  • will be able to fill your short- and long-term vacancies with residents at no cost
  • receive job ready candidates who fit well within your business
  • improve business continuity by employing local people who value work and want to develop
  • will be recognised as a socially responsible business that supports the community
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WES projects and events

Our holistic approach to the recruitment process means that we create and execute a wide array of projects. We work in partnership with other organisations, to give residents the opportunity to upskill for increased employability. These projects include but are not limited to:

Westminster Wheels

A bike refurbishment and repair initiative that aims to provide certified training in bike repair, maintenance, sales, marketing and cycle instruction. The project also provides a paid work experience for unemployed WCC residents and divert unwanted bikes from becoming waste to provide affordable refurbished bikes.

How to get involved

You can get involved with our projects by providing:

  • mock interviews
  • workplace visits
  • mentoring or career conversations
  • joining workshops/job fairs to meet candidates
  • job vacancies
  • apprenticeship opportunities
  • graduate opportunities
  • work with us to co-develop sector specific upskilling/training programmes
  • industry sessions, highlighting jobs, career pathways, training opportunities.

If you want to get involved, please get in touch with WES Jobs and Training at

Contact WES Jobs and Training

Please get in touch with our team if you have questions or want to find out more about our Employer Partner services.
