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Suspensions, dispensations and skips

If you need to carry out works or deliver heavy equipment, apply for a parking bay suspension or a yellow line dispensation.

Parking bay suspensions

You can apply to suspend a parking bay for:

  • a removal van for a house or office move
  • skip delivery
  • building works
  • weddings and funerals

Apply for a suspension

If you are organising suspensions or dispensations as part of an event or filming activity, your request needs to go through our City Promotions, Events and Filming team via an application in the first instance.

You can apply online using our online suspensions self-serve booking system.

By using the online booking system you will be able to:

  • check if a parking bay is available to suspend via an interactive map
  • book and pay for the suspension using your credit/debit card
  • make additional or multiple suspension bookings in a single transaction
  • amend or cancel an application

Book a suspension

10 working days' notice is needed for a suspension request. Applications received within 10 calendar days of the proposed start date will be subject to a £20 short notice administration fee if the suspension is granted.

If you have any queries regarding the online booking system, or require any assistance, please email:

For more information read our parking bay suspensions terms and conditions.

Please note that the online booking system is unable to book suspensions on housing estate land. If you need to book a suspension on a housing estate please complete an application form and post this to us.

Alternatively you can apply by downloading and returning the application below above to:


For general suspensions the council operates a four-tiered charging system depending on suspension duration. The charges also differ depending on location. Where not delineated on-street, a ‘space’ is considered to be five metres in length. There needs to be one clear consecutive week between the dates required for a suspension for a second application to be treated as a new application.

Suspension duration Suspension charge for Zones A, C and D per space Suspension charge for Zones B, E, F and G per space
Day 1 £51 £55
Days 2 to 5 £55 per day £59 per day
Days 6 to 42 £84 per day £90 per day
Day 43 onwards £112 per day £121 per day
Parking zone map PDF, 435.33 KB, 1 page

If you require a suspension for filming or an event, please submit a full event/filming application online, or contact the City Promotions, Events and Filming team for help.

London Joint Utilities Group (LJUG)

Companies or operators who are part of the LJUG scheme are able to obtain discounted rates for parking suspensions. 

LJUG suspension duration Suspension charge per space
Days 1 to 3 £70 for the 3-day period
Day 4 onwards £55 per day

Applications can now be made online via the self-serve, online booking system (see details in 'Apply for a suspension' section above).

Book an LJUG suspension

Once you have registered for the online system, please email to have your LJUG discount applied to your online account. Please include the email address associated with your account and documentary evidence of your LJUG membership.

Alternatively you can apply by downloading and returning the application form below to

For more information read our LJUG parking bay suspensions terms and conditions.

Major utility works, defined as being fixed timescale major infrastructure programmes where bays would need to be out of commission for more than 21 days, can be considered separately. 

Please note that it is not possible to book suspensions on Housing Estates using the online booking system. If you need to book a suspension on a housing estate, please complete and return an application form to us.

Broadband Connection Service Providers 

Applications to suspend parking bays to lay superfast broadband cable or fibre as part of an ongoing programme can be considered separately.

Large scale suspensions

If you need to suspend more than 20 resident bays, alternative parking spaces for resident permit holders need to be provided and paid for.

For the first 20 resident bays suspended you will be charged for the provision of 5 alternative resident bays. For each additional 20 suspended thereafter you will be charged for the provision of five additional alternative resident bays.

Suspending dedicated parking spaces

Unless absolutely necessary please try to avoid using dedicated parking spaces such as Disabled, Doctor, Diplomatic, Car Club or Electric Vehicle Charging bays. If a dedicated parking space needs to be suspended an alternative parking space must also be suspended (and paid for) on a like-for-like basis.

Report an issue

You can report a suspension issue using our online form.

If you have encountered an issue using the online booking system, please email

Cancel a suspension

You are able to amend or cancel a suspension on the online booking system (self-serve customers only) or alternatively you can email

Please include the suspension reference number in your email.


If you no longer need a suspension or you’ve completed your work earlier than expected, you may be entitled to a full or partial refund. An administration fee of £20 per bay will apply if the suspension signage has already been installed.

You'll need to:
•    tell us by 3.30pm the day before the bay is not needed
•    cancel the suspension on the online booking system (self-serve customers only) or alternatively email the Suspensions team

Please include the suspension reference number in your email.

Return to service

If you no longer require your suspension for a domestic move, please place your 'return to service' sticker across the front of the suspension sign.

These stickers are designed to make space available as soon as a suspension is no longer needed.


The council reserves the right to cancel or withdraw a suspension without notice as and when it is deemed necessary to do so, for example in connection with a major event, incident or emergency. Any payments made will be refunded as appropriate.

Published: 19 July 2023

Last updated: 8 November 2024