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Portrait artists

There are three locations in Westminster where portrait artists can sell their work.

Weekly booking of pitches

There are 16 available pitches across the 3 designated portrait artist sites. All of the approved artists will be allocated to a specific group. Each group will then be rotated to weekly to be given the opportunity to select their preferred pitches first. 

Allocation of pitches for the following week takes place on a Thursday. An officer will contact the portrait artists to confirm what sessions they would like to work the following week.

Once the sessions have been confirmed and payment made, the rota for the week will be sent to you.

Once allocated an area, you are not permitted to move to a different area.

Current rota

Rota w/c 18.10.2021 PDF, 22.22 KB, 1 page

Published: 23 September 2022

Last updated: 23 September 2022