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Premises licence: new applications

Find out about new applications for a premises licence and how to apply

Who can apply

Any person aged 18 or over who is carrying on, or who proposes to carry on, a business which involves the use of premises (any place including one in the open air) for licensable activities can apply for a premises licence. This can be for a permanent basis or for a time limited period.

A person in this context can be:

  • an individual
  • a business 
  • a partnership
  • a charity
  • a hospital
  • a school

Under the Licensing Act 2003 premises can be any place including:

  • a building
  • a moveable structure
  • an open space
  • a vehicle or vessel

Before you apply

Where premises are being, or are about to be, constructed or altered, you should apply for a provisional statement as opposed to a new application.

Please read the guidance for online applicants to find out more information on the application process and the dos and don’ts.


You will need to include the following as part of your application:

Model conditions: numerical list PDF, 422.66 KB, 27 pages

When serving the application to the licensing authority, you should simultaneously serve copies of the application and the plan to all relevant responsible authorities. Your application is not valid until this has been completed. If the application is made online, we will serve copies to all relevant responsible authorities on your behalf within one working day.

If you are applying for the sale or supply of alcohol, on or off the premises, mandatory conditions will also be applied to the licence should the application be granted.

Apply for a new premises licence

Licensing fees

All fees under the Licensing Act 2003 have been set centrally by the government. See our licensing fees document to see how much your application will cost:

Check your rateable online through the Valuation Office Agency

Displaying notice and advertising

For new applications under the Licensing Act 2003 a notice must be displayed on the premises for 28 days starting from the application date. The display notice must be on A4 paper and be light blue in colour. A notice with the same information must also be displayed in a local newspaper within 10 days from the application date.


The consultation period for new premises licence applications is 28 consecutive days from the day after a valid application is made.

Members of the public, as well as responsible authorities, may submit representations within this 28 day period. All representations must relate directly to the application and/or one or more of the licensing objectives.

Granting the licence

If we don’t receive any representations after the 28 day consultation period, the licence will be granted and we will issue it by email shortly after.

If there is a relevant representation from a responsible authority or interested party, then the application will be presented to the Licensing Sub-Committee for their determination. The hearing for the sub-committee will be arranged within 28 days following the initial 28 day consultation period.

Published: 28 June 2021

Last updated: 24 May 2024