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Planning referendums

Information on neighbourhood plans and planning referendums.

Pimlico Neighbourhood Plan referendum

A residential referendum, in respect of the Pimlico Neighbourhood Plan was held on Thursday 22 September 2022.

The question asked in the Referendum was: ‘Do you want Westminster City Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Pimlico to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?'.


92.94% of those voting, voted in favour of the plan, with a turnout of 14.06%.


Referendum notices

Referendum notices will appear here as they are published 

Specified documents available for inspection:

Notice of referendum PDF, 95.04 KB, 1 page
Pimlico neighbourhood area map PDF, 632.69 KB, 1 page


You can also view  representations submitted to the Examiner. 

More information on the previous stages of the Neighbourhood Plan preparation can be found on our Pimlico Neighbourhood Plan pages

Published: 18 July 2022

Last updated: 16 July 2024