Young People, Learning and Employment Policy and Scrutiny Committee
This committee leads Policy and Scrutiny Activity for all matters relating to:
- children’s safeguarding services
- schools and other pre-18 education options
- adult education, including further and higher education
- wider employment and skills programmes
- libraries • Leisure services and partnerships
- any other matter intended to support or safeguard young people, improve the learning environment of the City or provide leisure and library-related services
This committee performs an important role in safeguarding matters for vulnerable adults and children, assuring that the Ccuncil’s approach to such matters is of a high standard.
Additionally, the committee has a remit which also includes education. The council therefore has a duty to make sure that this committee includes the following (non-voting) representatives in its membership:
- one Church of England diocese representative
- one Roman Catholic diocese representative
- two parent-governor representatives
- two headteachers from local schools or academies
Details of your current representatives
- Alix Ascough – Headteacher, All Souls CE Primary School
- Marina Coleman - Headteacher, St. Vincent's Catholic Primary School
- Professor Ryan Nichol – Parent Governor Representative
For more information, please contact our scrutiny team by emailing [email protected]
View upcoming and previous committee meeting papers including agendas, reports and minutes.