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Consultation outcome

Cycleway 51, St John's Wood to Marylebone

Original consultation

Cycleway 51 (C51) proposes to create a new cycle route from St John's Wood to Marylebone.

Consultation description

Westminster is on the path to a greener and more cycling-friendly future.

We want you to be involved in the decision-making process for this proposed cycleway. Our aim is to contribute to traffic calming measures, enhance pedestrian safety, improve accessibility, and offer better cycling connections.

We're inviting residents, cyclists, and local road users to be part of this journey. 

The proposed route

More information about the proposed C51 route.

You can also read our cycling strategy to see how this fits in with our overall vision for cycling in Westminster.

Have your say

We are seeking your opinions for the proposed C51 that connects St John's Wood to Marylebone.

Share your thoughts on the Cycleway 51

Published: 4 September 2023

Last updated: 4 September 2023