Current and recent consultations
When producing planning policy documents, the council must comply with its Statement of Community Involvement. We inform, involve and consult our residents and stakeholders when drawing up planning policy documents. This includes development plan documents and other documents such as draft supplementary planning documents, draft neighbourhood plans or neighbourhood forum designations.
This page contains information on all open and recent planning policy consultations.
Partial City Plan Review
Our City Plan provides our vision and framework for how long-term housing, commercial and infrastructure growth will be delivered in Westminster. The policies within the plan cover a range of topics, including housing, sustainability, heritage, transport, the visitor economy and employment.
We undertook a six-week consultation at the end of 2022, known as a ‘Regulation 18 consultation’. This is a formal first step to provide opportunities for everyone to have an early input on the direction of policy development. We are now reviewing all of the responses received as part of this consultation.