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Retrofit Taskforce

Find out more about the taskforce, what they do and how they'll help us meet our city-wide net zero target by 2040.

Planning policy and process

The Retrofit Taskforce is working to identify any revisions to current planning policies that will streamline high-quality retrofit, whilst prioritising a ‘Retrofit First’ approach to planning applications.

This workstream will include scoping opportunities within the current planning system to encourage, enable and mandate responsible retrofit. Responsible retrofit will enable a reduction in the buildings operational carbon, whilst improving the buildings resilience to the impacts of climate change. 


The planning policy and process workstream has the potential to: 

  • ensure planning policies enable more retrofit to be delivered and that perceived barriers to retrofit are mitigated, including simplifying the planning process where possible.
  • explore where current retrofit standards can be included within policies and the extent to which implementation of responsible retrofit may be mandated. 
  • optimise opportunities within our City Plan and Environmental Supplementary Planning Document to embed retrofit in planning policy. 
  • establish a clear balanced position between heritage conservation and sustainability. 
  • review consent and permission regimes and opportunities that they offer, for example, Heritage Partnership Agreements, Local Listed Building Consent Order, and Local Development Orders.   
  • upskill our Planning Policy and Planning Officers to enable the implementation of revised policies and appropriate reviews of planning applications

Work to date

The Retrofit taskforce has:  

  • commenced reviewing policies in relation to sustainability and retrofit, by engaging with our Planning Policy Officers specifically on the emerging ‘Retrofit First’ planning policy. 
  • engaged with internal stakeholders on questions and provocations drafted in research phase and agreed internal and external interventions to pursue. 
  • published ‘Retrofit How-to’ guides on common retrofit measures. 

We also scoped a challenge paper on current barriers to effective retrofit at scale in Westminster, which included the following challenges and discussion points: 

  • develop planning policy that supports retrofit  
  • improve pre-planning and validation requirements for retrofit 
  • streamline the planning process for retrofit 
  • use planning powers to improve construction standards 
  • tackle the challenging interface between retrofit and heritage 
  • improve retrofit knowledge of decision makers 
  • financially incentivise retrofit 
  • identify and learn from exemplar buildings

Published: 15 December 2023

Last updated: 15 December 2023