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The council operates three cemeteries which are situated outside the borough: Hanwell, East Finchley and Mill Hill cemetery.

Cemeteries fees and charges

Westminster City Council's cemetery fees and charges are revised every year on 1 April.

Cemetery fees, 2022/23 PDF, 376.42 KB, 2 pages

You should always contact the cemetery office at Hanwell Cemetery before making any arrangements for interments. 

Residents of the City of Westminster can benefit from a reduced rate on purchase of grave space and interment fee. To benefit from the residents' charges you must provide proof that the deceased was a resident of the City of Westminster. 

A standard burial is made up of a number of elements, including but not exclusively: 

  • purchase of grave space
  • interment fee
  • memorial permit fee 

There may also be other costs which our staff at Hanwell Cemetery will be able to advise you about. 

You should be aware that you don't have to use the services of a funeral director to arrange a funeral. If you want to arrange the funeral yourself then you must contact the cemetery office to seek guidance. 

Published: 7 January 2021

Last updated: 3 April 2024