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Lapworth Court, Cirencester Street, Desborough Close

About the project

The council was granted planning permission to build new social homes, across three sites which currently contain garages, in 2019.

The project will deliver:

  • 11 three-bedroom socially rented homes, seven in Lapworth Court and two each at Cirencester Street and Desborough Close
  • each of the homes will have their own back garden
  • all homes will be built to modern specifications and be energy efficient
  • additional greenery and landscaping in the local area

Project status

In 2019, we were granted planning permission to deliver eleven new social homes across three sites in the north of the city: Lapworth Court, Cirencester Street and Desborough Close.

In the context of a challenging time for the construction industry, and with increased costs for delivery being quoted by contractors across all our infills programme sites, we taken this opportunity to pause and review the cost and construction plans to ensure new homes can be delivered in a way which achieves best value.

We will keep residents informed of any updates about our plans here.

Background documents

We consulted with the local community and received planning permission for all three schemes in Autumn 2019.

Visit the Planning Portal to see all the planning and consultation documents for Lapworth Court, Cirencester Street and Desborough Close.

Get in touch

Email us at [email protected]

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