If you have not been offered a place for your child at your preferred school, you have a right of appeal against this decision.
You will only be able to appeal for a school if you have formally applied and been refused a place. You are advised to accept a place at any school you have been offered as this will not affect your appeal and will guarantee your child has a school place if your appeal is unsuccessful.
We use an independent service to administer school appeals for all Council maintained community primary schools and voluntary aided primary and secondary schools.
Council maintained primary and voluntary aided schools
Community primary schools:
- Barrow Hill Juniors
- Edward Wilson
- Essendine
- George Eliot
- Hallfield
- Robinsfield Infants
- Queens Park
Voluntary aided schools:
- All Souls
- Burdett-Coutts
- Christ Church Bentinck
- Hampden Gurney
- Our Lady of Dolours
- St Augustine’s
- St Barnabas
- St Clement Dames
- St Edward’s
- St Gabriel’s
- St George’s Hanover Square
- Soho Parish
- St James and St John’s
- St Joseph’s, this school is in the process of consulting to convert to academy status
- St Luke’s
- St Mary Magdalene
- St Mary’s Bryanston Square
- St Mary of the Angels
- St Matthew’s
- St Peter’s
- St Peter’s Eaton Square
- St Saviours
- St Vincent’s
- St Vincent de Paul
Secondary voluntary aided school:
- St Augustine’s High School
All appeal hearings are held online. You will be given full instructions of how to access the system.
If you have been refused a place at an academy, they may have different clerking arrangements in place. You are advised to contact the school in the instance.
Academies located in Westminster
Primary academies
All through academy:
Secondary academies:
- Harris Academy
- Marylebone Boys
- Paddington Academy
- Pimlico Academy
- St George’s Catholic
- The Grey Coat Hospital
- St Marylebone CE Girls
- Westminster Academy
- Westminster City School
How the appeals process works
The school admission appeals guidance document explains how the appeals process works and will help you to appeal against an authority's decision not to offer your child a place at your preferred school(s).
It is intended to help you understand:
- the appeal process and the different types of appeal
- what will happen at an appeal hearing
- how the appeal panel will make its decision on your appeal
Please note that if your child has an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), you cannot use this appeal process. You will need to contact the SEN Team or Telephone 020 7361 3311.
Appeal forms
Reception, year 1 and 2 school admission appeal form
Year 3 to year 11 school admission appeal form
Sixth form appeals are not open at this time.
Contact details
For general enquiries please contact the Admissions and Access Team on:
- schooladmissions@westminster.gov.uk
- Telephone 020 7745 6432 or 020 7745 6433, Monday to Friday, 9am to 2pm
If you wish to contact the appeals’ organisation, please email clerk@educationappeals.com