Our Active Streets Programme is a key strategy commitment of our ActiveWestminster strategy – "Activate Your City, Lives and Neighbourhoods".
This strategy is in addition to our Open Spaces and Biodiversity strategy and consists of three types of Active Street.
Play Street
A permanent designation (Section 29, Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984) which will provide priority over traffic for children and families to play in streets at specified times. This is underpinned by Department for Transport legislation .
Street Play sessions
Facilitated by temporary road closures (Section 16a, Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984) for children and families to play in streets at specified day(s), times and locations.
Apply for Street Play sessions
School Street
Provides a pedestrian and cycle zones (Section 6, Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984) outside the school main entrance usually in operation at school drop-off and collection times, Monday to Friday term-time only.