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Public participation at Full Council meetings

Your chance to ask a question at an Ordinary Full Council meeting.

As part of our Fairer Westminster Strategy anyone who lives, works or studies in Westminster is now invited to pose a question in-person at an Ordinary Full Council meeting, this can be about a local issue or a wider question about the council. 

The next public participation item will be included at the Full Council meeting on Wednesday 22 January 2025. The form to submit a question is now closed and successful submitters have been contacted.

The next Full Council with a public participation item will be on 25 June 2025.

The form for submitting questions has now closed and all will be contacted by the end of the week to say if their question has been selected.

Ordinary meetings refer to one of the four scheduled meetings per year, and are usually held in January, June, September and November. These meetings are held at Old Marylebone Town Hall, 97-113 Marylebone Road, NW1 5PT. Upcoming dates for Full Council. 

If an extraordinary meeting is called, usually in March or May, there won't be time for questions in the agenda.

How it works

This is your opportunity to have your voice heard on the issues that matter to you, and to hold your council accountable. This opportunity is open to individuals as well as community organisations who want to submit a question on behalf of their group.

A 30-minute slot at the start of each meeting will now be dedicated to public questions. Each person speaking will be given up to two minutes to ask their questions and cabinet have up two minutes to respond. This is to allow time for a number of questions to be presented.

Ask a question

Questions should be submitted through our online form or by sending a hard copy to the Committee and Councillor Support Manager, 17th floor, Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QP. The letter should contain your question, name, address, post code and contact details, in particular a contact telephone number.

The form will open three weeks before each meeting and stay open for two weeks. The form will close a week before the meeting to allow time for the submissions to be read and respondents to be contacted. Any hard copy questions submitted must be received, and not just sent, by the date the form closes.

The submission form has now closed and successful submitters have been contacted.

Please note that Ordinary Full Council meetings are recorded and broadcast.

Full details on how to submit a question and what content can and cannot be submitted are available on the Public Participation Protocol:

Public Participation Protocol PDF, 114.34 KB, 3 pages

If you have any questions or would like more advice on how to submit a question, please contact us on

Published: 30 August 2023

Last updated: 7 February 2025