Chief Executive and the Executive Leadership Team
The Executive Leadership Team are responsible for the overall management of the council.
The Executive Leadership Team are responsible for the overall management of the council, for setting and monitoring overall direction, ensuring high performance and for overall risk and reputation management.

Stuart Love is our Chief Executive
Stuart Love is our Chief Executive. Previously, he headed up the City Management and Communities department, overseeing a range of teams to deliver joined-up solutions to complex community problems, informed by improved business intelligence and underpinned by corporate values and behaviours.
Stuart previously worked at Westminster City Council, from 2003 to 2006, as the head of Road Management and has held previous roles at Isle of Wight Council, between 2006 and 2013, and at Southampton City Council where he was Director of Place.

Bernie Flaherty is our Deputy Chief Executive and Bi-Borough Executive Director of Adult Social Care
Bernie manages the Bi-Borough Adult and Public Health department ensuring the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable people across Westminster and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, in conjunction with other key strategic partners.
Bernie joined Westminster City Council from Harrow Council, where she was the former Director of Adult Social Services.
Bernie is also Westminster City Council’s Deputy Chief Executive.

Debbie Jackson is our Executive Director of Regeneration, Economy and Planning
Debbie Jackson is responsible for a wide range of outcomes including the delivery of high-quality housing, a vibrant economy with opportunities for all and places that workers, visitors and residents can enjoy. The directorate also includes the council's planning function, one of the busiest in the country.
Debbie has over twenty years of experience in London's public sector, building a breadth of experience in regeneration and economic development in particular.

Frances Martin is our Executive Director of Environment and Communities
Frances Martin is responsible for the environment, climate and public protection services within the council, which include city highways, parking, public protection and licensing, communities, waste and cleansing and the climate emergency team.
Frances has gained over twenty years of experience in her career in the Public Sector. Prior to joining Westminster, she was the Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services at Reading Borough Council.
With a busy night-time economy, a thriving commercial sector and up to one million people passing through our streets every day, Frances and her team are committed to providing exceptional key front-line services and assistance to Westminster's residents, workers and visitors including supporting the council to target to tackle the climate emergency by becoming a net zero council by 2030, and a net zero city by 2040.

Gerald Almeroth is our Executive Director of Finance and Resources
Gerald is responsible for the council's finance, property investment, strategy and intelligence, procurement, IT and digital transformation services, legal services as well as the council's corporate property department. His team drives innovations in technology and ensures robust financial management of the council's services.
Gerald has previously worked for other local authorities across London in a wide range of roles leading on finance, HR, procurement and asset management. Having previously worked for Westminster as Head of Finance and Business Services, Gerald returned to the council in 2019 to become Executive Director of Finance and Resources.

Sarah Newman is our Bi-Borough Executive Director of Children's Services
Sarah leads the Children's Services function for both Westminster City Council and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. In conjunction with other key strategic partners, Sarah leads the team responsible for improving the lives and life chances of children and young people across the two boroughs. Prior to her current role, Sarah joined the council in 2018 as the Director of Family Services in Westminster.

Sarah Warman is our Strategic Director for Housing and Commercial Partnerships
Sarah is the current Director of Commercial Partnerships and also leads the Corporate Housing Improvement Work. This includes working to improve the services the council provides to local authority tenants and leaseholders.
Parveen Akhtar, Executive Director of Corporate Services

Parveen is Westminster's principal legal adviser and the council's Monitoring Officer. She also oversees the Bi-Borough legal service with Kensington and Chelsea Council. Her responsibilities include Westminster's HR and organisational development services, communications and policy functions, together with governance and member support, elections, land charges, mayoralty, coroner, and information services.
Parveen started her career in the private sector and joined local government over a decade ago.
Published: 15 March 2021
Last updated: 28 November 2024