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Staying well in hot weather

Find out how to stay well in hot weather, and advice on how to stay cool.

You can find advice here on how to keep yourself and your home cool along with looking out for the signs of heatstroke and heat exhaustion.

Looking after yourself and others

The hot weather can cause some serious health problems for older people and people with long-term conditions. Young children and rough sleepers can also be particularly vulnerable when exposed to high heat. 

If you're concerned about someone sleeping rough, please tell the charity StreetLink using their app or the StreetLink website or by calling 0300 500 0914.

Keeping cool during hot weather

It is important to remember to be aware of the signs of heatstroke and heat exhaustion, and when to get help.

Try to keep sun exposure to a minimum, particularly between 11am and 3pm

If you have to go out, try to walk in the shade, apply sunscreen and wear a hat. Avoid extreme physical exertion and remember to keep hydrated.

Look out for signs of feeling unwell and move to a cool place as soon as possible, slow down and drink water if you feel unwell. If you need medical help, call NHS 111 or 999 in an emergency.

You can find more advice from the NHS on how to cope in hot weather.

Your home can generate lots of heat, particularly when exposed to direct sunlight. Close any curtains or blinds during the day, open windows (when it is safe to do so) when the air feels cooler outside than inside, for example at night, to try to get air flowing through the home. Find more useful tips on how to prepare your home for hot weather.

Travelling during hot weather

If you are out and about, you can find a number of shaded or cool areas across London including parks, squares and gardens in Westminster.  

Those travelling on public transport should always check your journey before you travel and try to carry a bottle of water with you. Transport for London  and National Rail issue travel alerts as trains may be running a reduced speeds. There are a number of fountains around Westminster where you can get water or refill your water bottle. You can also visit Refill London.

Published: 13 June 2023

Last updated: 13 February 2025