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Road safety

Find out about courses and campaigns to improve the road safety skills of cyclists and pedestrian of all ages.

Road safety

The Road Safety Team work to improve the road user skills of cyclists and pedestrians through teaching and promotional campaigns. Our aim is to that will enhance the quality of life by reducing the number of slight, serious and fatal road injuries.

We provide road safety education, advice, resources, information and support for all road users, whether residents or visitors to Westminster.

We manage cycle training and services for children and adults, child pedestrian training, support local, regional and national campaigns and advise on sustainable travelling.

We work with many organisations to make sure all road users are safe whilst travelling around our city. One of them is the Motorcycle Action Group (London Branch) so we can hear about riders’ experiences on our road network.

Changes to the Highway Code

Changes to The Highway Code were made to improve the safety of people walking, cycling and riding horses that came into effect across Great Britain on 29 January 2022.

THINK! has launched their ‘Travel Like You Know Them’ campaign to embed the changes and encourage understanding and uptake of the new guidance.


Metropolitan Police Service provide enforcement for speeding vehicles on the road network.

To report any speeding please do so online at Roadsafe London.

Community Roadwatch

Community Roadwatch is a road safety initiative which aims to reduce speeding in residential areas.

It is a working partnership with Transport for London (TfL), Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) and City of London Police (CoLP).

To take part in Community Roadwatch, or to suggest a residential area where there are community concerns around speeding, contact [email protected] stating the borough you live in.

Find more information about the Community Roadwatch scheme.

Safety cameras

Please visit  Transport for London for further information about speed cameras.

Contact Highways and Public Realm

Please email us at [email protected]  for further information. You can also visit the following websites:

Published: 15 December 2020

Last updated: 24 July 2024