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Report an empty property

If you know of any properties that are empty, abandoned or derelict, please use this form to provide details about the property. This form should be used to report long term empty homes so we can help bring them back into use and should not be used to report properties undergoing active building and refurbishment work. Spot the signs that a home may be empty and what we're doing to tackle them.

Address of the empty property
How long has the property been empty for?
Is there disrepair, antisocial behaviour, pests or similar associated with the property?
Please note, any property in a dangerous condition should be reported immediately by calling 020 7641 6000.
One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
Do you want to report this anonymously?
If you feel comfortable doing so, it would really help in our investgation if you provided your details in case we need to ask a few more questions.
Your address
Read our data protection notice to learn about how the council complies with data protection laws when processing your data.