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Graffiti and flyposting

You can report unsightly markings on public property or street furniture so it can be inspected and removed

Graffiti, flyposting and stickering are illegal.

We will remove offensive graffiti and flyposting within 12 hours of being notified. All other graffiti and flyposting will be removed within three working days.

If the incident is on a housing estate please contact your estate manager.

If we are required to go on to private property, we will contact the owner or business before we do so.

Businesses have a responsibility to remove graffiti from their own premises and often need planning permission for advertisements that affect the amenities of an area. We will investigate these reports and ensure they are removed

Telephone boxes

Illegal graffiti or flyposting creates a negative impression of an area and contributes to people's fear of crime.

Incidents of damage or graffiti, stickering or flyposting inside the BT phone boxes can be reported to BT online, or by calling 0800 661 610.

Prostitutes' cards in phone boxes should be reported to BT and the Metropolitan Police (non-emergency). You can contact the Metropolitan Police (non-emergency) by calling 0300 123 1212 or by using this online portal

Published: 16 January 2021

Last updated: 12 February 2025