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Prior approval and notification

Application forms and checklists for prior approval and prior notification.

Certain types of work are permitted development and are granted permission by national legislation without the need to submit a planning application.

In some cases you must still submit either a prior approval or prior notification form before the development takes place. These are listed below.

The quickest and easiest way is to submit your application is online via the Planning Portal.

Please refer to the relevant checklist and apply online.

If you unable to apply online, please download the form below or on the planning portal and either email the completed form to or post it to us using the address on the form. 

Demolition prior approval

Prior approval for the demolition of buildings in residential use or where the building is adjacent to such a building and is located outside a conservation area. See guidance.

Demolition checklist PDF, 199.36 KB, 1 page
Demolition prior approval form PDF, 483.7 KB, 3 pages

Prior approval of a new development

Larger home extensions 

Prior approval for certain types of larger single story rear house extensions outside of a conservation area. See guidance.

Checklist_21.pdf PDF, 33.29 KB, 1 page
X5990Form040_england_en.pdf PDF, 602.4 KB, 5 pages

Additional storey or storeys to enlarge homes

For erection of up to two additional storeys to enlarge an existing dwelling houses in certain circumstances where they are outside a conservation area, subject to criteria set out in Schedule 2, Part 1, Class AA of the General Development Permitted Order 2015  (as amended).

Upwards extensions to provide new dwellings

For extensions in certain circumstance to certain types of commercial, residential and mixed use buildings outside a conservation area, subject to criteria set out in Schedule 2, Part 20, Classes A, AA, AB, AC and AD of the General Development Permitted Order 2015 (as amended).

GuidanceApplication Form 

Roof mounted Solar PV on non-domestic buildings

For the installation, alteration or replacement of other solar equipment (pv) on roofs of non domestic buildings, up to 1 megawatt capacity.

Collection Facility for a shop 

Notification for prior approval for the erection or construction of a collection facility within the curtilage of a shop.


Prior approval for a change of use

Offices to residential

Offices to residential form PDF, 50.47 KB, 1 page

Change to state funded school or nursery

Office, hotels, residential institutions and assembly and leisure to state funded school


Application form

Retail and other uses to restaurant/ café

Change of use from retail (Class A1 or A2)/betting office/payday loan shop/casino to restaurants/cafes and associated building operations relating to ventilation/extraction (including provision of external flue) and storage of rubbish.

ChecklistApplication Form 

Retail to assembly/leisure

Prior notification in connection with permitted development for change of use from retail (Class A1 or A2)/betting office/payday loan shop to assembly and leisure

ChecklistApplication Form 

Retail or amusement arcade centre/casino to residential

Prior notification in connection with permitted development for change of use from retail (Class A1 or A2)/betting office/payday loan shop/mixed use combining residential with either of the above to residential and associated building operations reasonably necessary to convert the building to residential use

Checklist; Application form (shops to residential) or Application form (arcade/casino to dwelling) 

Prior Approval for temporary changes of use

Temporary use of buildings or land for commercial film making

ChecklistApplication form 

Temporary school buildings on vacant commercial land

ChecklistApplication form   

Prior Approval for temporary flexible change of use

Temporary flexible 3 year changes of use from a range of uses to a range of alternative uses as specified in Schedule 2, Part 4, Class D of the General Permitted Development Order as (amended). Notification should be emailed to

Prior notification for telecommunications


Certain proposed development by telecommunications code systems operators (as specified in schedule 2, Part 14, Class A of the General Permitted Development Order (as amended).

Prior approval is needed for telecommunications equipment such as antennae, cabins and satellite dishes. See guidance.

Checklist; Application form 

Statutory undertakers

A number of statutory undertakers such as London Underground and the Utility Companies have permitted development rights to carry out development under the General Permitted Development Order and Acts of Parliament. The council's prior approval is needed for detailed design and external appearance of a new building. This can cover Crossrail proposals, electricity substations, and works to underground stations.

Emergency development to respond to the spread of coronavirus

Since April 2020, the government has introduced a number of new temporary permitted development rights to allow businesses, local authorities, health service bodies and others to carry out development, both for works and changes of use, which support the operation of retail and entertainment and retail businesses at this difficult time and enable activities that help to reduce the spread of coronavirus. The table below sets out the temporary permitted development rights, whether notification to the council is required and when they expire. Where notification is required, we recommend that notification is made by email to


Notification required?

Expiry date

Development by Local Authorities and Health Service Bodies

Allows local authorities and health service bodies to carry out development - both for works and change of use of facilities required to respond to the spread of coronavirus (under Schedule 2, Part 12A, Class A of the General Permitted Development Order).

No 31 December 2021
Pubs and Restaurants Permitted to Provide Takeaway Food

Permits pubs and restaurants to provide takeaway food without the need for planning permission for a temporary period (under Schedule 2, Part 4, Class DA of the General Permitted Development Order). For further advice visit our coronavirus business pages.

Yes – you must notify the local planning authority prior to commencing the takeaway service. 23 March 2022
Extended Rights for Temporary Use of Land

Allows the temporary use of land for an additional 28 days per calendar year in addition to that permitted by Class B. Markets can be held for 14 of the additional 28 days. (Under Schedule 2, Part 4, Class BA of the General Permitted Development Order).


No 31 December 2021
Extended Rights to Hold Markets for Local Authorities

Permits Local Authorities to use any land to hold markets for an unlimited period of time until the expiry date (under Schedule 2, Part 12, Class BA of the General Permitted Development Order).

No 23 March 2021
Development on Crown Land Related to a Pandemic

Permits development on behalf of the Crown on Crown land to prevent, reduce, control or mitigate the effects of a pandemic.

Yes – notify the local planning authority as soon as practicable after commencement. Development can be retained for a temporary 12-month period and must be removed thereafter.

Published: 8 January 2021

Last updated: 9 October 2023