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Pimlico Neighbourhood Plan

More information on Pimlico Neighbourhood Plan and planning applications within the Pimlico neighbourhood area.

In accordance with Regulation 20 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 12, Westminster City Council formally 'made' (adopted) the Pimlico Neighbourhood Plan on Wednesday 7 December 2022. It is therefore now part of the statutory Development Plan for Westminster and will be used alongside the council's own documents and the Mayor's London Plan in determining applications in the Pimlico Neighbourhood Area.

See the council's Adoption Statement:

The Pimlico Neighbourhood Plan includes policies on a range of matters including commercial and mixed-use development, design and heritage, housing and hotels, public realm and environment.

A copy of the 'Adoption version' of the Plan can be viewed below:

Hard copies are available for inspection at council offices at 64 Victoria Street, SW1E 6QP, during normal office hours, upon request. 

Prior to adoption, the Plan was subject to public consultation, independent examination and local referendum. Further details of these stages can be found below. 


To meet the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, a referendum was held on Thursday 22 September 2022.

The referendum question was: “Do you want Westminster City Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Pimlico to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

92.94% of those voting, voted in favour of the Plan, and there was a turnout of 14.06%.

Pimlico Resident Declaration of Result

View further information on the referendum.

A copy of the 'Referendum version' of the plan, which incorporates all of the Examiner’s modifications as agreed through the council’s Decision Statement on Monday 20 June 2022, can be viewed below: 

Pimlico Neighbourhood Plan, referendum version

Decision Statement

On Monday 20 June 2022, the council decided to accept all of the Examiner’s recommended modifications to the draft plan and proceed to a referendum of residents. A copy of the Decision Statement can be viewed below:

Pimlico Neighbourhood Plan Decision Statement


The draft Pimlico Neighbourhood Plan was formally submitted by the Pimlico Neighbourhood Forum to the council for consultation in May 2021. Regulation 16 consultation on the draft plan ran from 28 June 2021 to 23 August 2021. 

Following consultation, the council appointed Ms Jill Kingaby BSc (Econ) MSc MRTPI as independent Examiner for the draft Pimlico Neighbourhood Plan on 15 October 2021. 

The Examiner considered the draft plan and all submission documents, as well as all representations received, and concluded that, subject to the modifications set out in the final Examiner Report, the plan meets the required statutory tests (‘Basic Conditions’) and can therefore proceed to referendum stage. The receipt of the Examiner Report on 28 April 2022 formally concluded the examination of the draft Pimlico Neighbourhood Plan. The Examiner's Report can be viewed below:

Pimlico Neighbourhood Plan Examiner's Report

Pimlico Neighbourhood Forum 

Find out more about the Pimlico Neighbourhood Forum.

Published: 11 May 2022

Last updated: 8 December 2022