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Parking fees and charges

Information on parking fees and charges

Scan to Pay - QR sticker scam

We are aware of scam 'Scan to Pay' QR code stickers being applied to some of our pay-to-park Conditions of Use signs across Westminster, especially in zones E (Mayfair and St James') and F (Hyde Park, Marylebone and Fitzrovia)

The QR code stickers are being removed by marshals and council officers as they are being discovered, but if one is present at a bay in which you are parking, do not use them under any circumstances.

The council does not use QR codes for payment on its pay-to-park signage, and the only way to pay for parking is through the RingGo app, by phone or by Parking Card.

Current parking fees and charges

View our current parking-related fees and charges.

Search for your local parking zone or view a map of Westminster's controlled parking zones and residents' parking zones and sub-zones.

Find more information on electric vehicle parking

Changes to the way the council charges for parking

From Monday 8 April 2024 for pay-to-park and Monday 3 June 2024 for resident permits, vehicles are being charged primarily based on their level of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions. This is ascertained via a DVLA look-up at the point of purchase. The charging is banded dependent upon emission levels, meaning the least polluting vehicles paying the least and the most polluting paying the most. We are also now operating a diesel surcharge for pre-2015 diesel vehicles.

Introducing these schemes aims to encourage the use of low-polluting vehicles and discourage the use of those that are more polluting. The schemes aim to 'nudge' those who park regularly in Westminster when making choices about vehicle use and ownership, in terms of the type of vehicles they own, or whether they actually need to use those vehicles in Westminster at all or could alternatively rely on public transport or the council's car club schemes.

These changes mean that for pay-to-park, we have withdrawn the concession for electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids which allowed those vehicles to park up to the bay's maximum stay for a minimum 10-minute payment.

The new charging regime applies for resident permits purchased or renewed from 3 June 2024. Upon permit purchase, renewal or replacement from this date, each vehicle will require a separate permit, but we will allow individuals up to three permits each. However, extra charges apply for a second and a third permit.

Further information about these changes.

The cabinet member's decisions approving the introduction of the new charging schemes are published online.

Published: 11 January 2021

Last updated: 3 June 2024