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Anti-social behaviour

Find out what anti-social behaviour is, and what you may be able to do about it.

Help and support if you have experienced anti-social behaviour

Experiencing anti-social behaviour can be stressful and upsetting. There are national and local organisations which may be able to offer you additional support and advice. Some of them are listed below.

General support

Victim Support

Victim Support is the independent charity for people affected by crime and traumatic events in England and Wales. They provide individual, independent, emotional and practical help to enable people and families to cope and recover from the effects of crime and ASB.                 

  • Telephone 0808 1689 111 (if English is not your first language, let them know which language you speak and they will call you back with an interpreter
  • Contact them through their free 24/7 live chat service
  • Victim Support website

Citizens Advice Witness Service

A network of independent charities offering confidential advice online, over the phone and in person. CAB are independent, impartial and the service is free. CAB also support witnesses in every criminal court in England and Wales. Practical information about the process, as well as emotional support to help witnesses feel more confident when giving evidence.

Westminster Advice Services Partnership (WASP)

Advice on a range of issues, including Benefits, Debt, Housing, Employment, Consumer, Legal, Tax, Family law, Energy suppliers and Immigration & Nationality. Service available to Westminster residents (including those who are temporarily resident, or those placed temporarily by the City Council outside of the borough), or homeless with no local connection to anywhere outside of Westminster.

WASP can be found across Westminster, at the following locations and times:

  • Beethoven Community Centre, Third Avenue, London W10 4JL, Mondays 1:30pm to 4pm
  • WECH Community Centre, Athens Gardens, entrance via Chantry Close off Elgin Avenue, W9 3RS, Tuesdays, 3pm to 5pm
  • Citizens Advice Westminster, 21a Conduit Place, London, W2 1HS, Tuesdays 5:30pm to 7pm (for employed only) and Fridays 2pm to 4pm, every 4th Friday women only
  • Church Street Library, 67 Church Street, NW8 8EU, Wednesdays 10:30am to 12:30pm
  • South Westminster Legal Advice Centre, 246 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1AU, Fridays, 9:30am to midday

Telephone: 0300 330 1191

Westminster Advice Services Partnership website

Mental health support

The Samaritans

The Samaritans are there for anyone who’s struggling to cope, who need someone to listen without judgement or pressure. Free support on the phone, via email, letter and in person.

  • Telephone: 116 123
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Write to: Freepost RSRB-KKBY-CYJK, Chris, PO Box 9090, STIRLING FK8 2SA


Shout is a free, confidential text messaging service for anyone who needs support with their mental health and wellbeing. Available 24/7.

  • Text 'Shout' to 85258 to start a conversation


SupportLine provides a confidential helpline offering emotional support to any individual particularly those who may feel isolated, vulnerable or has experienced any form of abuse.

Support for children and young people

If you're a child or young person under 18 or a parent or carer supporting a child or young person under 18 who, there is advice about coping with crime available through the Victim Support website and their My Support Space website.

For older people

Age UK advice line

Free national advice line for older people and those seeking advice for older friends or relatives. Open 8am to 7pm, 365 days a year.                                                    

  • Telephone: 0800 678 1174

For leaseholders

The Leasehold Advisory Service

Government funded independent advice for Residential Leaseholders

The Leasehold Advisory Service website

Support for families in Westminster

Westminster Family Information Service

To report a concern about a child, contact the Westminster Access and Assessment Team at 0207 641 4000 or e-mail [email protected]

Published: 17 February 2023

Last updated: 21 May 2024