Annual report 2023/2024
Our Housing Service Annual Report highlights how we are performing in key areas, from repairs, to communications, to safety, and what we are doing to improve. While we haven’t always been where we want to be, we are working hard to listen to your feedback and make real changes as a result.
Find out more about how we’re improving in our Housing Services Annual Report below.
Tenant satisfaction measures
The report includes new performance measures – called Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) - that all social housing landlords are required to report on. They help you to see how we are performing, and how this performance compares with other housing providers in London.
Read more about our TSM results and how the data is collected
Annual Housing Complaints Report 23/24
In addition to our Annual Report, we have a complaints report which provides information on our complaint handling performance, reflecting on the volume of complaints, timeliness of our responses, outcomes and most importantly shares what we have learnt from complaints and the improvements we’ve made.
The Complaint Handling Code
The Housing Ombudsman Service has a statutory complaint handling code which sets out how landlords must comply with good complaint handling practice that will allow landlords to respond effectively and fairly to complaints.
As members of the Housing Ombudsman service the council will comply with the set of procedures and carry out regular assessments of performance against the code. Our performance against the code can be found in the complaint handling code self-assessment form below.
Annual report at a glance
Listening to our residents

Listening to residents and working with you to improve services underpins everything we do. You’ve told us that face-to-face contact is key, so we’ve been opening more local offices and trialling new local teams. We have been working to communicate in more varied ways, from knocking on doors to holding events in your community, and have introduced new ways for residents to influence the housing service.
Responding to your complaints

When we embarked on our housing improvement programme last year, we knew we needed to improve our complaints processes. While residents will not see improvement overnight, we are taking real strides to overhaul the system. We have introduced new processes for managing and monitoring complaints, increased the size of our complaints team, and launched a new compensation policy.
Improving your homes and estates

Maintaining and improving the council’s 20,000 plus homes for the long term is a significant and important area of work. In 2023/24 we spent just over £50 million on our capital works programme, making improvements to things like roofs, windows, communal lighting, lifts and heating. We are working to improve energy performance, helping tenants to save money and live more comfortably.
Improving our repairs service

We have heard your feedback on repairs – through consultation, satisfaction data and complaints, and we’re working hard to make improvements. We worked with a group of residents over 8 weeks to analyse where we can bring about changes. Through our housing improvement programme, we have made significant changes to address these problems. This includes a new repairs policy, specialised teams to manage complex repairs and repairs for vulnerable residents, and better staff and contractor training.
Improving your neighbourhood

We collaborate closely with residents and other organisations to ensure our estates and neighbourhoods are safe and appealing places to live. We conduct regular walkabouts to spot and fix problems, have introduced new patrols on estates, and made it easier to report ASB. We are proud of award-winning green spaces. We have introduced new food growing spaces, are regenerating allotment sites, and involving more residents in greening their estates.
Supporting our tenants

We know that people’s circumstances are different and we have been increasing support for vulnerable residents. We have introduced two new teams in our housing contact centre to work with vulnerable residents, we are working in partnership with Shelter to help residents sustain their tenancies, and providing financial support through our rent support fund to help tenants through the cost-of-living crisis.