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Strep A and Scarlet Fever, what you need to know

Information about Strep A and what to do if you suspect your child may have an Strep A infection.

Strep A infections can occur at any time in the year. It is usually a mild illness that can be easily treated with antibiotics. But in rare circumstances, it can get into the bloodstream and cause serious illness, called invasive Group A strep. This is uncommon.

It’s important to be on the lookout for symptoms and see a doctor as quickly as possible.


  • The first signs of scarlet fever can be flu-like symptoms, including a high temperature, a sore throat and swollen neck glands (a large lump on the side of your neck).
  • A rash appears 12 to 48 hours later. It looks like small, raised bumps and starts on the chest and tummy, then spreads. On darker skin, the rash can be more difficult to detect visually. On all skin types it will have a sandpapery feel.

Contact NHS 111 or your GP if you suspect your child has scarlet fever. Early treatment with antibiotics is important to reduce any risk of complications.

If your child has scarlet fever, keep them at home until at least 24 hours after the start of antibiotic treatment to avoid spreading the infection to others. Please also inform your school or nursery.

If your child has chickenpox and scarlet fever at the same time or close together it can make them particularly poorly. It is important to contact your GP.

What to do if you think your child is getting worse

Contact NHS 111 or your GP if your child is showing signs of deteriorating after a bout of scarlet fever, a sore throat, or a respiratory infection. As a parent, if you feel that your child seems seriously unwell, you should trust your own judgement.

Stopping the spread of infections

Good hand and respiratory hygiene are important for stopping the spread of many bugs.

By reminding your child to wash their hands properly with soap for 20 seconds, using a tissue to catch coughs and sneezes, and keeping away from others when feeling unwell, they will be able to reduce the risk of picking up or spreading infections.

More information

For more advice visit:

Published: 9 December 2022

Last updated: 27 February 2024