Childhood health
Services to help improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people.
We want every child and young person growing up in Westminster to have the best start in life.
Our key priority is to improve our children’s health and wellbeing, by providing a range of services to make it as easy as possible for them to eat healthily and take part in physical exercise.
You can find more information and advice on the Family Information Service website.
Parents and families
A healthy start
Healthy Start, is a government supported programme, where you can get a free, pre-paid card every week to help buy milk, fruit and vegetables, and infant formula milk. You can also receive free vitamins.
You could qualify if you are pregnant, or have a child under four years old.
Health visiting teams
Our health visitors are qualified nurses who hold a specialist public health qualification to provide services to children under 5 years old, young people, and families.
Health visitors encourage healthy lifestyles, address concerns around physical and mental wellbeing and aim to reduce health inequalities.
They also visit the home following the birth of a child.
Immunisations or vaccinations are given to help prevent people getting certain diseases. It’s important to make sure you and your children have your routine vaccinations on time to protect against certain diseases.
Change4Life Westminster
Change4Life Westminster encourages and supports children, young people and families across Westminster to make healthy lifestyle choices. This makes it easier for children and young people to eat well and be active.
Schools and nurseries
Healthy Schools and Healthy Early Years
All children and young people have a right to the best possible start in life. The Healthy Early Years and Healthy Schools programmes support and encourage early years settings and schools to develop and deepen their focus on health and wellbeing as part of a whole setting approach to improve health behaviours, reduce health inequalities and raise achievement for all.
Schools and settings can participate and gain recognition at the following levels:
- Bronze Award
- Silver Award
- Gold Award
Free Support
Your local coordinator can provide support and advice for schools and early years settings to
- review health and wellbeing within their policies, curriculum and provision
- develop identified health priorities with sustainable activities and interventions as well as measurable outcomes
For more information, please contact:
Viktorija Zdanoviciute, Healthy Early Years Coordinator:
Becky Casey, Healthy Schools Coordinator:
School Health Service (school nursing)
Our School Health Service coordinates the local delivery of the nationwide Healthy Child Programme (5 to 19). The service provides specialist nursing, advice, support and health promotion activities to school-age children and young people within state funded schools to promote their health and wellbeing.
Oral health
If you're concerned about your, or your child's oral health, please visit your local dentist. NHS dental care is free for children – find your local dentist.
For schools, nurseries and professionals working with children, The Central London Community Healthcare’s oral health promotion team provide advice, interactive activities and training on how to improve oral health.
Alcohol and substance misuse
Alcohol and substance misuse can affect people of all ages.
Insight Westminster offers free, friendly and confidential support to young people aged between 12 and 25 with or are affected by drug or alcohol issues. The service is available to young people living or attending schools within Westminster.
Children and Young People Drugs Strategy
The problems created by the illegal sale and use of drugs are widespread and complex. No single service or intervention can address these problems alone. Preventing and reducing the harm caused by drugs requires a collaborative approach that focuses on addressing the root causes of substance misuse rather than treating the symptoms in isolation.
The Children and Young People Drugs Strategy outline the Westminster City Council and Kensington and Chelsea Council’s public health approach using data, research, intelligence, evidence-based practice and our residents’ lived experiences to inform recommendations for action.
Published: 17 January 2021
Last updated: 18 March 2024