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Housing Register Application Form

To complete this form, you will need an email account. If you do not have an email account you can create one quickly and easily for free. Help creating an email account.


You will require the following documents/evidence for your application:

  • Birth Certificates (full version)
  • Identity Card or Home Office Travel Documents
  • Full or Provisional UK photo card driving licence
  • Utility bills e.g. gas, electricity, water rates
  • HM Revenue and Customs Self-employment tax exemption certificate
  • Tenancy Agreement
  • Mortgage Statements
  • Council Tax letter
  • Inland revenue tax notifications including child and family tax credits
  • Payslips, P60, P45
  • Annual Pension Statement
  • Home contents insurance policy


The information you give must be true to the best of your knowledge. It can be a criminal offence to get or try to get a council or housing association tenancy by giving false or misleading information or by not disclosing relevant information.

If you obtain a tenancy as a result of fraudulent misrepresentation, the landlord may take court action to evict you and you may be prosecuted.

I understand that it is a criminal offence if I fail to disclose information or if I provide incorrect and/or misleading information.

If you obtain social housing as a result of fraud, you could be prosecuted and court action taken to recover the property.

You can save and return to your form within 10 days to complete your application. After 10 days, your draft application will be deleted.

If you disagree with any decision we make, you have the right to request a review of this decision within 21 days of notification of the decision.

Read our data protection notice to learn about how the council complies with data protection laws when processing your data.