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Balmoral Castle and Darwin House initial proposals

We have committed to redeveloping the site of Balmoral Castle, creating an opportunity to provide more community supported house.

Following a petition received in October 2018, Westminster City Council committed to redeveloping the site of the Balmoral Castle pub. This has created an opportunity to explore providing more community supported housing in the area.

We want to work with residents to make sure this happens in a way that benefits the community, and particularly the residents of Darwin House.

Have your say: 29 June to 17 July 2020

We are currently running our final round of consultation on the Balmoral Castle and Darwin House proposals at our new consultation website. There you can view our updated proposed designs, read about how we've considered your feedback, and share your thoughts on our proposals before we submit a planning application later in the summer.

If you have any questions about the consultation, or would like to order a hard copy of the materials, contact us [email protected] or call us on 020 7641 3270. 

Section 105 consultation

Section 105 of the Housing Act (1985) requires the council to consult specifically with tenants who rent a property from the council (secure tenants) where development or housing management proposals include new programmes of maintenance, improvement or demolition or a change in the landlord’s practice or policy that are likely to affect secure tenants.

We are therefore providing all secure tenants with an opportunity to provide feedback on our proposals by 17 July 2020. Please note that there will be further consultation later in the year, where you will have more opportunities to share your feedback on these proposals as they develop.

If you are a secure tenant and would like to provide feedback on these proposals, please email us at: [email protected]

After 17 July 2020 the project team will consider all responses before coming back for further consultation. The council will then confirm the submission of a planning application. The council’s planning team will send a letter to all secure tenants when the application is submitted.

Project documents

We have received some requests for documents relating to this project. You can find the links to these below.

If you want to see what we presented at our earlier consultation, you can download the boards from 2019.

Our latest boards from the February 2020 drop-in sessions are available to download now as well. These present our most recent proposals for the site.

For our latest commitments on this project, please see the note from Cllr Robathan.

Project brief document for Balmoral Castle and Darwin House proposals

Please note that the following sections in the above document were indicative and are subject to change as the proposal progresses:

  • programme requirements and key dates
  • construction information.

If you have any questions about the information in the above document, please email us at [email protected] 

Published: 22 January 2021

Last updated: 22 January 2021