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Annual electoral register canvass

We seek to ensure that all Westminster residents who are eligible to vote appear on the register of electors.

Canvass timetable

Stage 1, household canvass form mailout, 4 August 2023

Household canvass forms will be delivered to non-matched residential properties in Westminster by Royal Mail from 4 August by second class post. Residents must respond to their household canvass form even if there are no changes. You must also respond even if the property is unoccupied or if no one at the property is eligible to register to vote.

Properties who don't respond, who received a household canvass from with currently registered electors who have provided their email addresses in the past, may be sent an email reminder. This is to ensure they respond to the canvass form and avoid receiving a reminder form in September.

Also in September the first batch of invitations to register (ITR) forms will be posted out to the new residents whose details were provided on received canvass forms thus far.

Stage 2, household canvass form, reminders mailout, 9 September 2023

Properties that have been sent a household canvass form and have not responded by 1 September will receive a reminder form, delivered by Royal Mail. Forms will be sent on 9 September by second class post.

Stage 3, household confirmation letters mailout, 15 September 2023

Households where all electors are successfully matched during the Stage 1 data matching will be sent household confirmation letters, confirming the details of all registered electors at an address.

Electors do not need to respond to the confirmation letter if all the details are correct. They only need to respond if this information needs to be updated.

Stage 4, door-to-door canvass, from 30 September until 4 November 2023

Any properties that were sent and which have not responded to the previous two household canvass forms will receive personal contact from one of our canvassers who will be collecting their details.

Canvassers will also be giving out ITR information for those individuals who have not responded to the initial ITR form sent to them at stage 2.

Canvassers will be making personal contact to non-responders and will be required to submit a response to the relevant form (either canvass form or ITR) with residents on door-steps.

If by the end of this stage it has not been possible to contact the householder (in the case of a household canvass form) or the individual (in the case of an ITR), the household or the individual will be sent a final reminder form by post.    

Published: 15 January 2021

Last updated: 1 August 2023