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Barrow Hill Landscaping and Car Park works (project Y140)

Current status

Project status 1
Initial Planning

Deciding the scope of works. 

Project status 2
Project Design and Approval

Finalising the project specification, budget and programme

Project status 3
On Site
Work starts: 02/09/2024
Work ends: 06/03/2025
Project status 4

End of works and defects period.

Work Element Description of Works
Below Ground Drainage CCTV drainage survey required with which an agreement will be made between contractor and WCC establishing the extent of associated works required. The Contractor is to suggest proposals that would allow access to all main drain runs on the site to ascertain locations and condition. The contractor is to review the proposal to install/allow for rodding eyes at the down service connections between the rainwater pipes and the fall to the drain. The SP is to incorporate appropriate drainage design as part of the car parking/entrance road resurfacing and courtyard landscaping. This will include appropriate falls, gullies/linear drainage channels and drainage routes to prohibit standing water and ensure effective drainage.
Car park groundworks and tarmacadam / paving resurfacing Renew all tarmacadam surfaces to both car parking areas and entrance roadways to the estate. Existing surfacing to be removed to a depth of 115mm BFL. SMA6 40/60 surface, 25mm thick on 90mm thick AC20 HDM BIN 40/60 WTR1 on existing unbound material.Renew and re-bed paving slabs, kerbstones and other associated items to facilitate the tarmac renewal where required. Existing covers to be raised/lowered to suit new levels. Appropriate falls, gullies and drainage routes to be incorporated into the design to prohibit standing water and ensure effective drainage.Existing concrete paving to car parks be excavated to a depth of 260mm for new paving. Proposed 250x160x60mm Marshalls Tegula block paving (specification to match new courtyard paving) on 50mm sand/cement mortar bed, on 150mm concrete sub-base with precast concrete edging.See car parking layout drawing in Appendix 8. Renew car parking roadway and bay markings (note: parking space numbering is not required.) SP to consult with Housing/Estate Services Management team to consider provisions for siting of recycling bins and protection from vehicle encroachment.SP to clarify hatched/no parking areas currently shown in WSP/Conway drawings, and location of inlet to Dry Rising Fire Main in relation to those hatched areas to assist in clarifying which is no parking and which is for the LFB.2 nr. car parking spaces to incorporate underground infrastructure for future EV charging points – see section below.
Hard landscaping – communal garden Break out and dispose all existing hard surfacing and grassed areas. Excavate and level site to required level. Treat surface with weed killer and apply layer of geotextile to surface of excavation receive new hard surfacing. All trees to be retained. Supply and lay appropriate sub-base for new paving. MarshaIls Tegula or similar high quality block paving to main courtyard walkways. Buff coloured compacted gravel surfacing with grey edging to central area and paths to north and south ends of courtyard. Bollard lighting to be installed to paved and compacted gravelled areas (see Electrical Lighting section below).Flexi-pave tree pits to existing trees situated in hard landscaped areas.
Soft landscaping – communal garden Existing lawn areas to be renewed and enlarged. Strips of wildflower planting to north and south border of lawn area.Amenity shrub planting to south end of courtyard.Understorey planting to shaded corners of courtyard.Wetland / biodiverse planting area to centre of grassed areas.
Planters and other furniture Pergola and climbing plants to centre of courtyard.Benches facing lawns with steel planters with scented planting behind.Informal play area boulders to wetland / biodiverse area of lawn.
Electrical Lighting Install a new bollard lighting system within the courtyard. The design must comply with current regulatory requirements including recommended levels for external spaces, and to adequately illuminate the courtyard to deter ASB outside of daylight hours. Excavate trenches to receive cable ducting, lay ducting, draw cords, cabling. Excavate pits, supply and install bollard lighting, bed and surround in concrete and level finishes upon completion. Provide Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) and all appropriate certification associated with The Works undertaken.
Electrical Power generally Survey / review existing electrical power supply installations associated with The Works and where necessary replace existing/ install new systems in compliance with current regulatory requirements.Provide a complete system of earthing and supplementary bonding installation to all items associated with The Works to meet the current edition of the IEE wiring regulations.Provide Electrical Installation Condition Report (EIC) and all appropriate certification associated with The Works undertaken.Replace existing containment systems for both power and lighting wiring.Provide supplementary earth bonding to external metallic containment.
Electric Vehicle (EV) infrastructure for future charge points Blocks: Adjacent to Robin House & Kingfisher HouseFuture EV charging points to be located as follows:• Single space adjacent to Robin House – electrical supply available in lower ground floor of Robin House, access via intake cupboard in communal stairwell.• Single space adjacent to Kingfisher House – electrical supply available from The Village Club estate hall building, access via intake cupboard located internally to right hand side of pre-school entrance door.See marked up plan drawing and photos in Appendix 8 showing the location of the supplies (X) and indicative locations of the ducting run to be allowed for as part of the works. Upgrade to the current supply provisions and associated builders works internally to accommodate cabling will be confirmed at a future date when the installation of the EV charging points are confirmed (not part of these works). Design is to allow supply and install 100mm inside diameter black rigiduct to each point for a future EV charger installation. Each duct run to be installed complete with draw cable for easy pulling of supply cable in future. The duct is to be installed to a depth of 450mm below FFL as per NJUG guidelines in carriageways. The duct is to terminate 100mm above FFL at each location. The duct is to be capped off to stop vermin entering the duct. An LV warning tape to be installed above the duct for future protection on digs.
Builders Work in Connection with the M&E Installations Carry out all builders work in connection with The Works including subsequent making good of all disturbed finishes to a standard acceptable by WCC. Provide recommendations for any builders-work style items felt necessary (such as any minor building-fabric style repairs or decorative items associated with The Works areas), submit for review and further instruction by WCC – a Provisional Sum in relation to any such works should be included at PEP stage.
Maintaining the Existing Building Services Blocks: AllMaintain the building services systems during the duration of the contract. Where services may not be functioning or operational for a period of time prior notice and resident notification shall take place
Asbestos Management Live asbestos information can be found on the Westminster City Council asbestos portal, Shine. The PD/PC is required to inform the client regarding the need to instruct any further R&D surveys as the design develops and the areas where intrusive works will be required are confirmed. The R&D survey will be instructed by the client through the asbestos management system and provided to the PD/PC as part of the PCI, to allow the CPP to be developed. The Service Providers Project Execution Plan needs to identify any further works, with estimated costs, for completing removal or encapsulation of ACMs to enable The Works. The SP is to ensure that any subcontractor undertaking asbestos removal works as part of The Works, fulfils the client’s requirements outlined in the WCC process and procedure documents and are deemed competent to undertake the required works.

Published: 18 January 2024

Last updated: 29 November 2024