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Consultation outcome

Cycling Movement Strategy Buckingham Palace Road

Original consultation

Phase Two of the Cycling Movement Strategy looks to formalise a number of temporary schemes implemented as part of our COVID-19 response. 

This consultation is seeking views on the proposals for Buckingham Palace Road.

Consultation description

Following a review of the existing temporary scheme, a permanent scheme has been developed which formalises the temporary scheme. It also includes a number of improvements that further improve cyclist safety.

We would like to understand the views of the public on this proposal before a decision is taken on implementing the scheme.

History of the scheme

Our Cycling Movement Strategy provides details on the range of projects that we will be developing over the coming years to encourage more people to take up cycling, to improve facilities for existing cyclists and to improve safety.

Phase Two of the strategy includes a number schemes that have been prioritised for implementation later this year, subject to more detailed feasibility, design work and consultation.

Previous consultation

In November and December 2021 Westminster consulted on the ‘Cycling Movement Strategy’ temporary cycle schemes. The consultation sought stakeholder views on retaining the 11 temporary cycle schemes installed across Westminster as part of our COVID-19 response.

The consultation received a strong level of support to retain the temporary cycle lanes whilst we develop proposals to create permanent facilities.

We are now in the process of developing permanent proposals for the 11 cycle schemes.

Summary of the proposal

The proposals include:

  • Upgrading existing bus lane signage to allow motorcycles to use bus lanes.
  • Upgrade of kerb side restrictions to double yellow lines on Southbound sections of Buckingham Palace Road from Semley Place to Ebury Bridge Road.
  • Proposed buses only parking on Buckingham Palace Road outside National Audit Office.
  • Removal of blacked out road markings through hydro blasting.

Refresh of existing road markings where needed.

Have your say

The public consultation will open on 7 August 2023 and closes on 29 August 2023

We’re keen to hear your views.

A detailed plan showing the proposed changes for Buckingham Palace Road can be viewed here 

Proposal plans Proposal plans

Share your views on the proposals

Please provide all responses by 23:59pm on Tuesday 29 August 2023.

Once the consultation period ends all responses will be carefully reviewed and the results of the consultation passed on for their consideration.

We will write to everyone who participated in the consultation in due course once a decision is reached on the way forward. If a decision is made to go ahead with the proposed scheme, then we will progress the designs to a detailed level with a view to implementing the scheme.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the consultation, please email them to [email protected] clearly stating ‘Buckingham Palace Road’ in the subject line.

Timeline and construction methodology

We will work with our contractors during the next design stages to assess construction methodology to minimise disruption.

This scheme is expected to be implemented in summer 2023, subject to consultation feedback.


FAQ's DOCX, 19.66 KB
Proposal plans Proposal plans
Route Map Route Map
CSHWES1047-BPR-CON-002_1.0.pdf PDF, 381.77 KB, 1 page

Published: 28 July 2023

Last updated: 21 August 2023