Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2024-2030 consultation
Original consultation
We consulted on our Local Flood Risk Management Strategy for 2024 to 2030. It sets out how we reduce the risk and minimise impacts of flooding in the city.
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Consultation description
As a Lead Local Flood Authority, we have a responsibility to update our strategy every six years in collaboration with our communities. Responses from a public engagement survey and stakeholder engagement workshop in 2023 helped to shape and influence the development of this strategy.
The borough is at high risk of surface water flooding and has been previously impacted by flooding events. Therefore, as part of our consultation process, we are keen to hear from residents and businesses to ensure our strategy is inclusive and responsive to the needs of our communities.
Please feel free to contact us at llfa@westminster.gov.uk if you have any questions or need additional information. We look forward to engaging with you and hearing your feedback.

Published: 27 July 2023
Last updated: 11 November 2024