Fees and payment
Building regulations
Charges are made to recover the full cost of undertaking plan examination and site inspection.
Standard charges have been set for certain types of minor work and other building work affecting up to 2000m2 of internal floor area and are detailed in the document below.
Individually assessed charges are available for work to floor areas larger than 2000m2 and for pre-application advice.
London Building Acts - Section 30
Charges are made for consents or approvals issued under the London Building Acts (Amendment) Act 1939. The fee depends on the type of structure proposed.
After we register your application, we'll email you to tell you how and what you'll need to pay.
Paying by Credit or Debit card
If you are paying for an application and already have a reference number from us you can pay online by selecting the option below. This will provide you with a VAT receipt by email.
- Regularisation charge
- Building regulations
- Section 30 charge
- Records
- BC records VAT-able
- BC records, non VAT
Paying by BACS
Lloyds Bank, PO Box 787, City Office, Bailey Drive, Gillingham Business Park, Kent, ME8 0LS
Sort Code: 30-00-02
Account: 00350082
When you pay, use the following reference codes (e.g. WCBC00*) followed by your 7-digit application number (e.g. 17/00123):
- for a Regularisation application use: WCBC002-17/00***
- for a Full Plans application or a Building Notice use: WCBC005-17/00***
- for a London Building Acts Section 30 application use: WCBC007-17/00***
- for copies of our records use: WCBC011-17/00***
Paying by telephone
Once you have received your reference number and payment details by email, telephone our Contact Centre to make payment on 0207 641 6500.