Westminster Neighbourhood Watch Association
Find out more about the Neighbourhood Watch in Westminster
Neighbourhood Watch is about being part of a community team whose members work to protect each other from crime and anti-social behaviour and to improve the quality of life in their area and to ensure everyone in their community can feel safe.
Neighbours work together
By working together, neighbours are able to:
- implement crime prevention initiatives in the neighbourhood
- act as a local network to distribute local crime information and advice
- provide intelligence to the Police on criminal and anti-social activities
- lobby Councils and other local agencies for improvements to their area
A successful Neighbourhood Watch
A Neighbourhood Watch can also improve the local community by:
- bringing people closer together
- creating a stronger community spirit
- helping to reduce crime and people's fear of crime
- strengthening links with the Police
- developing closer relationships with local councils
- improving the local environment
- creating a better quality of life
Contact us
Contact us to find out more about neighbourhood watch in your area, as well as to be included on the distribution list for emails and bulletins notifying you of special events and crime trends.
Email [email protected]
For more information on neighbourhood watch in Westminster, and information how to join or set up a watch please visit the Westminster Neighborhood Watch Association website.
Follow the Westminster Neighborhood Watch Association on Twitter
Published: 14 July 2021
Last updated: 1 July 2022