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Warwick Low Rise Solar PV Panel Scheme (Project AD926)

Current status

Project status 1
Initial Planning

Deciding the scope of the works.

Project status 2
Project design and approval

Finalising the project specification, budget and programme. 

Project status 3
Work starts: 24/10/2022
Work ends: 12/04/2024
Project status 4

End of works and the defects process.

Project details


Work Required

Condition surveys

Precondition survey - A pre start condition survey must be carried out within all areas likely to be affected which shall contain written and photographic evidence of the existing conditions.


supply, deliver, erect and dismantle on completion scaffold tower outside each staircase entrance to block.

H&S file and Asset tagging

H&S file to be produced at end of project and Asset Tags to be installed in intake room after handover to electrical PPM team.

PV system and associated works

Supply and installation of the full scheme of PV panels and mounts as per Bauders drawings and technical details included

Electrical works

Supply and install inverters to each landlords supply. Supply and install generation meter and mc4 splitter units for the above inverters. Install 11KW Battery storage.

Repalce existing Landlords distribution boards within EIC with new 3 phase. Supply and install 4/6 way TP distribution board including incomer, rcbo’s, mcb’s, 25mm double insulated tails and certification.

Supply and install single phase 12 way distribution board for blocks not containing landlords supplies including storage incomer, rcbo’s, mcb’s and certification.

Isolators, controllers and cabling as required to suit the PV system on each roof.

Lightning Protection to be installed if required.


Published: 2 May 2024

Last updated: 20 June 2024